Saturday, June 9, 2012

I added a Donation button through PayPal up in the left hand corner at the top of the page. Some people have asked about giving us gas money to fun further trips and I thought this would be the best way. If you do donate then know that your money will only be used toward supplies and gas for our different trips. Thank you to all of our viewers and thank you Reddit for getting us over 2,000 views in just a couple of days! We also got a hold of one of my Mothers friends who is a proffesial photographer and we took some pictures of an abandoned farm house that is absolutely beautiful. Look forward to those coming up soon, they are sure to be fantastic! It was also one of the few times that we could get out in the day time to take quality shots. I also added a poll over on the right hand side of what your favorite post so far is, make sure to cast your vote!

Thank you everyone for reading, donating, and voting... Stay tuned!


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