Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Peoria State Hospital

This hospital for the incurably insane was used from 1902-1973. In the beginning of February 1902 patients who were characterized as "incurable" were brought in from other Illinois facilities. In its peak in the 50's it was home to 2,800 patients.
 We arrived at 1:30 in the morning and see that the area is fairly well lit. We walk across the lawn and go up to the front door, just to see inside. What happens next is both scary and a blessing at the same time. We see a light and a figure inside the door way. Zach and I run away back off the grounds in case it is a security guard or other official. After poking around the outside and seeing other lights flash from inside the building we are certain that someone is messing with us. Right before we are about to leave Zach tells me that he sees a head poking out of the window on the second floor. We walk over and are greeted by two people asking us to hold a ladder while they climb down. We hold the ladder and a few short minutes later eight people are with us on the ground. They are very nice and introduce themselves to us. They had just found this way in that night, and let us borrow their ladder to scale the wall into the unbarred second floor window. They leave and we continue on alone. Walking into the first of many hallways gives us a feeling of stepping back in time, but at the same moment being drawn into the future. We see alot of writing on the walls and alot of destruction since its close in the 70's. As we wander around the vast expanse of rooms and hallways we find several interesting things; a bathroom, a area with coat hooks, and a few blocked off rooms. We venture up the third story, but after seeing how fragile the floor is, don't stay long. We come back down the iron staircase and exit through the same window that we came. We hide their ladder under a generator and cover it with some brush. We start to head back when we see them coming back. After chatting for a minute and showing them our pictures we part ways for the last time.

I hope that you all enjoy seeing this pictures as much as I did taking them. these are all first hand pictures and taken by either me or Zach. I hope you enjoy.

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